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Chrysler 200 Powertrain and Chassis Reliability by Model Generation

Results are for year ending June 30, 2018. Only successfully completed repairs are currently included in the analysis. Routine maintenance, most wear items, recalls, and problems fixed with just a reflash or warning light reset are not included.
Year and Model % of Average Repair Frequency  
2015 - 2017 Chrysler 200 Reliability by Generation2015 - 2017 Chrysler 200
100% Best 233% Worst
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TrueDelta Reviews the Reliability And Durability of the Chrysler 200

Chrysler 200 Reliability And Durability: Neutral
2015 This section was added in March 2016. Through the end of 2015 the Chrysler 200 was scoring well in our car reliability survey (latest stats). But quite a few owners have been complaining about the nine-speed automatic transmission, not only in the 200 and in the related Jeep Cherokee but also in some Acuras. So far these complaints usually have been resolved through software updates, or not at all. If Chrysler eventually has to replace parts in many more cars, then the reliability score for the car will worsen. It's still far too soon to see how reliable this new transmission will be in the long term. full 2015 Chrysler 200 review