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2006 Hyundai Elantra Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Worked hard but not a fan. Will probably avoid Hyundai after this. by Pinache



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Reviewed: 2006 Hyundai Elantra

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Why the 2006 Hyundai Elantra?


My car and I have moved across the country a few times. Each time it has pulled a Uhaul 5x8 trailer over mountain ranges. I've also used trailers to move across town. They Hyundai did better than expected for a small car with minimal power.

Interior styling

I have always thought the car was simple and straight forward. Not bad looking at all.

Front seat room

I think the car is pretty comfortable for an average person.

Why Not the 2006 Hyundai Elantra?

Reliability & durability

I have had innumerable problems with this car. I have had a cracked radiator, a dead alternator, 3 malfunctioning power steering pumps, an exhaust leak, and have replaced the front wheel bearings. These are just SOME of the repairs I've incurred in just the last 2 years!


I have coworkers with older cars in poorer condition that repair less frequently than I do.

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Response from Sideshowtom2013

12:21 pm January 23, 2015

Your car is 9 years old, you have used it several times to tow oversized trailers over mountain ranges, you complain about normal wear items such as wheel bearings. How old are you? Is this your first car? You use a vehicle in a way it wasn't designed, ignore scheduled maintenance, and the car is unreliable because it needs wheel bearings? You are so ignorant it's amazing!


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Response from reddwarf

6:01 pm March 29, 2018

my 06 has been phenominal ... regular service and still runs like a charm with 175K


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