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Mini Hardtop Fuel Economy Data

2dr Hatch 118-hp 1.6L I4 6-sp shiftable automatic FWD

flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
flat light none 30 30 20 20 60 30.420
flat light none 10 10 30 50 60 35.600
flat light none 30 30 20 20 60 31.800
flat light none 2 5 15 78 60 36.172
flat light none 30 30 20 20 60 31.800

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What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2009 Mini Hardtop

2009 Mini Hardtop Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2010 2dr Hatch 118-horsepower 1.6L I4
6-speed shiftable automatic FWD
41mpg combined! see full Mini Hardtop review
2009 2dr Hatch turbocharged 172hp 1.6L I4
6-speed manual FWD
Best mpg I've had in a car, solid 33 just about everywhere I go. see full Mini Hardtop review
2009 2dr Hatch 118-horsepower 1.6L I4
6-speed manual FWD
With the 09 Cooper (not the S model), it was easy to get over 40mpg on 55mph roads. On 70mph highways, it was more like 35mpg. Was wonderful to fill up and see over 500 miles of range. see full Mini Hardtop review
2009 2dr Hatch 118-horsepower 1.6L I4
6-speed shiftable automatic FWD
as a daily commuter, over 30 mpg is great see full Mini Hardtop review
2009 2dr Hatch turbocharged 208hp 1.6L I4
6-speed manual FWD
I get an average of 29+MPG around town with the air conditioning turned on. I have got 34mpg on a 200 mile trip on country roads and I just did 404.9 miles at 85/90mph A/C on with a 300 pound passenger on I-95 and got 32.4mpg. This is all normal driving. see full Mini Hardtop review
2008 2dr Hatch 118-horsepower 1.6L I4
6-speed manual FWD
What is not to like about 40 mpg. Granted, I do mostly highway miles, but even with my city driving mixed in, I am still getting close to 40 overall (39.5 to be exact). see full Mini Hardtop review

2009 Mini Hardtop Gas Mileage (MPG)

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Mini Hardtop's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.