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Subaru Impreza / Outback Sport Fuel Economy Data

4dr Hatch 148-hp 2.0L H4 6-sp shiftable CVT AWD

flat, hilly, or mountainousLand driving style: very light to "lead foot"Foot A/C use: none to heavyA/C constant stop and goTraf % many stops per mileCity % stop every mile or twoSub % fairly steady speedHwy % Hwy Spd MPG
hills light none 0 10 55 35 65 32.281
hills med light 0 5 5 90 75 39.935
hills light none 0 15 40 45 65 30.964
hills v.lt none 0 10 65 25 60 34.724
hills light none 5 5 55 35 60 36.180
hills light none 5 14 48 33 60 32.012
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hills light light 0 10 10 80 80 37.310
hills light light 10 10 40 40 60 34.369
hills light none 0 15 50 35 60 32.279
hills v.lt none 0 10 65 25 60 32.067
hills light none 0 10 55 35 60 33.643
hills light light 5 5 50 40 60 34.398
hills light light 15 10 35 40 60 33.379
hills med light 10 15 35 40 60 33.550
hills light light 5 15 45 35 60 34.918
hills light light 10 10 45 35 60 34.235
hills light light 5 10 35 50 60 36.523
hills light light 15 5 50 30 60 33.610
mtns med light 0 1 0 99 75 33.035
mtns light light 0 1 0 99 75 35.847
hills light light 5 10 50 35 60 32.865
hills light light 0 15 50 35 60 33.769
mtns light light 0 2 0 98 75 33.026
hills light light 10 5 50 35 60 34.549
hills light light 0 5 20 75 70 36.406
hills light none 0 10 55 35 65 32.507
hills v.lt none 5 15 45 35 60 31.646
hills light none 0 15 50 35 65 31.934

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What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2016 Subaru Impreza / Outback Sport

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2016 Subaru Impreza / Outback Sport Gas Mileage (MPG)

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Subaru Impreza / Outback Sport's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.