We are 103,000+ car owners sharing real-world car information.

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Learn about Cars from the Owners who Drive Them

103,000+ drivers. 134,000+ cars. Real car owners helping each other with real car information.

Car Information Like Nowhere Else

We started TrueDelta because other sources of car reliability information were only providing dot ratings. Dots are vague. From them, you can tell if a car is better or worse than average. But how much better or worse? And what's the average?

Here you'll learn how often cars require a repair, so you can tell how good the good ones are, how bad the bad ones are, and how much they really differ.

Plus much more--including the description of every reported repair. Maybe your car is having a problem. Have others reported the same problem?

What Members Can Do that Guests Can't

  • Get unlimited access to all of TrueDelta's results, including additional reliability statistics not available to non-members. [details]
  • Average repair frequencies are the tip of the iceberg. It can be more helpful to know what percentage of cars required no repairs, and what percentage required three or more repair trips. Members get these "repair odds" stats.

    Also, you might care mostly about problems that can disable a car. Members can view stats that only include powertrain and chassis repairs.

    To see whether a car's reliability has been getting better or worse, members can view reliability trends.
  • Maintain repair, maintenance, and fuel economy records for your cars in one convenient location.
  • Share what you like and dislike about your cars.
  • Receive suggestions from other members about which car to buy, and provide suggestions to members seeking them.
  • Set up wish lists that allow you quickly access reliability and other information about cars you're interested in.

There's more. But how much do you want to read?

Models with Car Reliability Stats

For about 600 model-model year combinations, enough car owners participated for us to provide reasonably precise reliability stats. For another 800, we had at least ten owners participate.

To check whether we have reliability stats for the cars you're interested in, go here.

Even if a model isn't listed we could have repair reports, real-world fuel economy, or owner reviews for it. Plus specs and features for nearly all car, minivan, crossover, and SUV model offered in North America.

Testimonials from Our Members

Thank you for having it all in one tidy package. The most robust, simple to navigate, easy on the eye comprehensive auto guide EVER! KUDOS to your designers and web people!

-- Lisa H.

This is the most easily understood car comparison site EVER for a non-gearhead. I've had my eye on a Honda Fit and now I can rest assured: its history and consumer experiences support a purchase 100%. THANK YOU!

-- Susan Q.

I found your site extremely helpful- in fact it was the site I found on my phone internet when the Passat left me stranded 80 miles from anything in any direction on x mas weekend 2 years ago. Your site helped me to determine I likely had a bad fuel pump based on mileage from other entries.

-- Savannah C.

Many more...

What Changed

For 14 years we gave free memberships to everyone who agreed to help with the Car Reliability Survey.

Providing car reliability information worth having required a ton of work. Unlike with the typical internet survey, every single response was thoroughly reviewed. Unfortunately, ad revenues kept declining, to the point that they could no longer support such an effort.

A subscription costs as little as $4.95. Your support will enable the site to continue.

Three Membership Options

Your choice: $4.95 for a week, $9.95 for 90 days, or $24.95 for a full year.

All are non-recurring because, well, people forget and then too often pay for something they're not using. (When that happened to us we didn't like it.)