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Daryll's Garage

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Daryll's Cars

2020 Lincoln Navigator L Reserve 4dr SUV, ext.
turbocharged 450hp 3.5L V6, 10-speed shiftable automatic, 4WD

Taking delivery of our new GTI - next to it is the dieselgate Audi A3 that was sold back.   Thanks Audi for the fun new car! 2017 Volkswagen Golf / GTI GTI SE 4dr Hatch
turbocharged 220hp 2.0L I4, 6-speed automated manual, FWD

BMW 335i GT in front of the BMW Museum in South Carolina.   My car has now been to both BMW centers, in the US and in Germany. 2016 BMW 3-Series Gran Turismo 335i 4dr Hatch
turbocharged 300hp 3.0L I6, 8-speed shiftable automatic, AWD

1999 Porsche 911
Older car, limited site features available.

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