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Acura ILX vs. Chevrolet Silverado HD Reliability by Model Generation

Results are for year ending June 30, 2018. Only successfully completed repairs are currently included in the analysis. Routine maintenance, most wear items, recalls, and problems fixed with just a reflash or warning light reset are not included.
Year and Model % of Average Repair Frequency  

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TrueDelta Reviews the Reliability And Durability of the Acura ILX

Acura ILX Reliability And Durability: Neutral
2016 Acura should have an easy win over Audi in reliability. But in recent years Audis have been doing much better, while Acuras have often been glitchy. During the warranty period their reliability could be about the same. The records of past generations of cars suggest that the Acura will be a much more solid bet after the warranties end, but the long-term records for the current cars won't be compiled until the 2020s. So the jury's still out on ILX vs. A3 reliability. full 2016 Acura ILX review

TrueDelta Reviews the Reliability And Durability of the Acura ILX

Acura ILX Reliability And Durability: Neutral
2016 Acura should have an easy win over Audi in reliability. But in recent years Audis have been doing much better, while Acuras have often been glitchy. During the warranty period their reliability could be about the same. The records of past generations of cars suggest that the Acura will be a much more solid bet after the warranties end, but the long-term records for the current cars won't be compiled until the 2020s. So the jury's still out on ILX vs. A3 reliability. full 2016 Acura ILX review