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2018 Acura RLX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Underated Performance by RNprof



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2018 Acura RLX Hybrid is a strong contender for luxury comfort without breaking the bank. Plenty of interior space, great power, and many standard features that are options or not available on otehr premium sedans.

Reviewed: 2018 Acura RLX

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Why the 2018 Acura RLX?

Exterior styling

Aggressive, eye turning front. LED lights. Large windows ease vision.

Fuel economy

MPG after 2800 miles is 31.5 in mixed city/highway travel. Using 89 octane as fuel.

Audio & nav systems

Many complain about the split screen, I find it easier to use than the previous Acura single screen and easier to navigate thatn the previously owned Lexus.

Powertrain performance

Passing is a breeze. The electric motors provide instant torque and acceleration.

Rear seat room & comfort

Everyone who sits in the back seats comments on the comfort and leg room.

Why Not the 2018 Acura RLX?

Other Features of the 2018 Acura RLX

Interior storage compartments

All fuse panels are difficult to access. The passenger side panel is the easiest abut you need to be very flexible to see all the panel. The driver's side is near impossible to access. Had to use a mirror and flaslight and then could not remove a fuse easily as they are flucsh with the panel face. Fuse panel access makes it very difficult to install radar detectors and dash cams.


Noted shacking at cruising speeds. Returned to dealer and they responded the tires were out of round, could not be balanced correctly. New tires ordered. Still a shake at higher speeds, 50-60 and 85-95 mph.


This vehicle is perfect for those who seek interior comfort, quiet ride, yet power to outperform the competition. And, you may be the only one on your block to own one as they are not common.

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