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would you you buy this car if you were me

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2008 - 2020 Audi A5 / S5

I may need to replace my diesel volkwagen commuter car if it cannot be fixed so VW is offering a buyout incentive to replace my car with an Audi or VW. I am a couple of years from retirement and live in a rural area with paved winding roads. Although an Audi dealership is quite a ways away there is a mechanic that can fix Audis locally. Do you think this would be a good used car buy for me within the next year?

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Response from Member3288

9:29 am June 24, 2017

You didn't specify which Audi you had in mind and whether it's pre-owned or new. Overall Audi parts are expensive and finding a good qualified mechanic is challenging (having two VW Touaregs and an RS5 I know ...).

What car are you replacing and what do you want this car to do?


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Response from brexster3

10:14 am June 30, 2017

I suggest looking at other manufractures before you commit to a VW group vehicle. Newer VW cars are less reliable than comparable domestic models. I love my A5 cabriolet but wouldn't consider owning one if I lived in a rural area.


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Response from NormT

9:55 am July 7, 2017

I like the used price point of the rear drive CTS Vsport for the curvy stuff. The magnetic shocks can be tuned soft or firmndepending on the road you are on. The Vsport has 430 hp and should be in the sub-$30K if not already.


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