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Dependable Car ?

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2009 - 2017 Audi Q5

Considering purchase of 2014 Q5, low miles, no warranty left, can I depend on this car ? Or are these cars in the repair shop a lot ?

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Response from andrew_tidwell

7:54 pm January 3, 2018

Great choice! Mine had an issue with burning oil. I got new rings and pistons under a factory fix program and it was pretty much like a new engine. Never had any reliablity issues beyond that - but they are EXPENSIVE to maintain properly. I had a 2011 model, and I drive it until February of last year. One of the best cars I've ever had. I doubt you'd have much trouble with it, and the 2014 models didn't have the same oil issue. Good luck!


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Response from Member2442

9:51 pm January 3, 2018

Not entirely comparable, I have a 2014 Diesel model. This did have a major fuel fault fixed under warranty but otherwise it has been an excellent choice. It drives remarkably well and I would highly recommend.


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Response from Sdonahue

6:29 am January 4, 2018

Thanks to both of you for the recomendations.

What can I expect to be charged for routine maintenance ?


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Response from NormT

9:18 am January 11, 2018

Low milage 2014 2.0T are around $30K or $36K for 3.0T. That would give you one year left on warranty unless you went CPO which extends the warranty.

But for $31K or $16,000 MSRP the Buick Envision Prem l is a better deal with more features and newer design than the older Q5.

2017 Buick Envision Premium I For Sale In Cullman | Cars.com

2017 Buick Envision Premium I For Sale In Cullman | Cars.com

New 2017 Buick Envision Premium I for sale at Bill Smith Buick GMC in Cullman, AL for $30,995. View now on Cars.com.


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Response from LectroFuel

8:44 pm January 11, 2018

Here ya go.


I would be cautious about buying one of these. No German car is considered dependable unless you pick out individual cars. That is what Lexus, Acura, and new Buicks are for.


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