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Have you actually fixed a flat tire with that sealant kit?

Ask the People Who Own One:

2018 - 2020 Audi Q5

I got a flat tire after running over a piece of metal. After asking for Audi roadside assistance (none available), and asking the Audi help line where the jack was (there is none on a Q5 PHEV hybrid), no spare (not even the weeny temp one), the help line said they couldn't help me. I scrounged around the manual, found the air compressor/sealant kit buried in the back and hooked it all up. What a pain. Thank god it was good weather in daylight. Anyway, the sealant just poured out of the hole and the tire never inflated. has anyone got this to work? Did anyone buy a temporary tire and say to hell with it to the sealant kit? I do a bit of off-pavement driving in areas with no cell service and I'm thinking of changing brands to a hybrid that at least has a temp spare and jack. Any suggestions?

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Response from FordTruck

11:36 pm January 22, 2024

Get a real spare (takes up room) or run flat tires (expensive). The sealant kits kind of work, but be careful because it might come back to get you when you go get the tire properly fixed at the local vulcanizer. There's really no substitute for a real spare tire, especially if going off-road.

An alterante crazier option if you have very helpful friend with a 4x4, get a Garmin InReach and you can text for help. It's 15-20$ a month for the basic service you need. It links up to cell via Bluetooth and allows texting.


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