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2004 Audi allroad Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by d.vanleenen



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Reviewed: 2004 Audi allroad

4dr Wagon turbocharged 250hp 2.7L V6 5-speed shiftable automatic AWD

Why the 2004 Audi allroad?

Cargo capacity

Large, wide-opening hatch, fold-down seats, low lift-in height translate to excellent cargo capacity.

Why Not the 2004 Audi allroad?

Reliability & durability

Ahh, yes... I had some major problems at first. But, mostly covered under (CPO) extended warranty. The famous Audi coils! (Being replaced under recall next week.) Stupidly, no block heater so it failed to start - never had that with a Honda...

Dealer practices

The dealer took two trips and four weeks to get the car fixed. Those things not covered by warranty are not cheap! They did ultimately fix the one major issue and it was covered under warranty. It just seems like they take a LONG time!

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