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2004 BMW 5-Series Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by bricksilo

A member in Illinois, United States


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Reviewed: 2004 BMW 5-Series

4dr Sedan 225-horsepower 3.0L I6 6-speed manual RWD

Why the 2004 BMW 5-Series?

Exterior styling

Superb blend of luxury and performance styling cues.


Great road feel without sacrificing comfort.

Fuel economy

Averaging 25mpg combined and 30mpg expressway...not too shabby for full-size luxury vehicle.

Powertrain performance

Good torque and responsive power delivery with a great clutch and manual transmission that shift as smooth as an automatic.

Front seat support & comfort

Comfortable arm rest positions, side and lumbar support. Nice on long drives.

Why Not the 2004 BMW 5-Series?

Reliability & durability

Had several repairs the first month of ownership that were covered by CPO warranty...love that BMW CPO

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