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BMW x5

Ask the People Who Own One:

2011 - 2013 BMW X5
A member in Serbia

i would like to know reliability of a diesel BMW X5 or the 4.4 V8. Is this a reliable car?

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Response from jhall729

6:21 pm November 20, 2020

I have a 2013 X5 diesel. Put about 50,000 miles on it now, closing in on 100,000 on the odometer. Great car, strong engine. It needed a pump for the DEF tank, and later it needed a DEF tank fluid sensor. Each repair was $400 or so at the dealership. Recently, the oil return line from the turbo was replaced for $600. The gas mileage is incredible for a luxury SUV.
It's not the least expensive car to run, but the torque is amazing and I've found it to be a great tow vehicle.


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