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AIr leak Side Window

Ask the People Who Own One:

2003 - 2005 BMW Z4

I have an intermittent Air leak on the passenger Side window. I have noted that another owner/contributor had the same issue, and he/she reported it twice as "unrepaired". Ultimately it was "reported" as repaired.

My question is does he/she or anyone know what was done to make the repair a success?

Thank you,


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Response from mkaresh

9:45 am April 4, 2016

I didn't report a problem with my 2004 but I did have an annoying whistle for a few days. I corrected it by resetting the windows using this procedure (don't remember where I got this):

Erasure of initialization:
? Open doorwindowglass fully
? Operate powerwindowswitch in "Open" position four times within 10 seconds

This erases initialization of the powerwindow, anti-trapping protection and toll function are inactive.
Check whether one-touch control (toll) function is inactive, otherwise repeat procedure.

Avoid a break between the two steps!
? Open doorwindowglass fully
? Operate and hold powerwindowswitch in "Close" position (second switch stage)
? Once the upper end position has been reached, hold powerwindowswitch in "Close" position for approx. 2 seconds longer
? Open doorwindowglass fully
? Operate and hold powerwindowswitch in "Close" position (second switch stage)
? Once the upper end position has been reached, hold powerwindowswitch in "Close" position for approx. 2 seconds longer

Someone else gave another procedure but I've never tried it:
This prosedure will reset the windows limits so that when you open the door thewindowwill drop the 1/4 inch.

- Sit in the car, and put the key in position 1, so you have power to the windows.

- Push and hold down thewindowswitch, and keep it held down for 5 seconds after thewindowis all the way down. This re-sets the memory, telling the motor, in effect, "Remember where we are now? "

- Rollwindowback up, and release switch.

- Open door. Marvel at the downward motion of thewindow. Repeat on other side, if needed.

Good luck


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