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2010 - 2012 Cadillac SRX

What other tires can I put on my 2012 SRX performance vehicle other than Michelin's that are quite and noise free

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Response from LectroFuel

1:40 pm June 2, 2018

Michelin Premier LTX and Pirelli Scorpion Verde All-Season Plus. The OEM tire you probably have is the Michelin Latitude Tour HP, and the reviews for that one are not nearly as good. Tire brands don't just sell one tire; they have many different ones. Michelin makes some of the best tires. Pirelli is also good, but not as good.

ThePirelli Scorpion Verde All-Season Plus is $50 less than theMichelin Premier LTX per tire on TireRack, but the Michelins are a little better. If you have something against Michelin, get the Pirellis as the performance difference is probably worth losing to save $200.


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Response from NormT

10:18 am June 8, 2018

I've had very good luck with Michelin in the past as it seems to be the best in ride quality and noise. Until it come time to fork over $1,000 to replace them.

My current vehicle, Buick Envision 2.0T , has Hookook Nolble S2 (or some long name like that) and find them a very good performance all-season tire for a 19" size. What makes them great on summer days doesn't make them great on snowy days. But thanks to great AWD system it can cover any winter limitations of the tire. I'll be going with a dedicated snow tire in the future winters.


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