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2008 Cadillac SRX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by kmt48



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Reviewed: 2008 Cadillac SRX

4dr SUV 255-horsepower 3.6L V6 5-speed shiftable automatic AWD

Why Not the 2008 Cadillac SRX?

Reliability & durability

Consumer Reports indicates that reliability for this model is questionable. Afraid to take the plunge for more money and less features than the Lexus.

Feature availability

No backup camera, unable to get Nav without third row seat, seatbelts attached to seats and not adjustable for tall folks.

Front seat support & comfort

Seat belts attached to front seats and not adjustable up and down. Lower sitting heighth than Lexus or other crossover SUVs or at least the appearance of same.

This review was originally a two-car comparison review. Read the other half here.

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