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catalyst convertor

Ask the People Who Own One:

2009 - 2012 Chevrolet Traverse
A member in Kuwait

I bought my traverse in 2011 and have cloked 55K miles and have had serviced by the dealer throughout. I had a problem last week when the engine transmission light came on. I got it towed to the Chevy garage and they tell me that the catalyst convertor has an issue and will also need to replace fuel injectors and oxygen filter. the cost is $3,400 for these including labour. They also said i need to replace front shock absorbers and there is a problem with the suspension and power steering - total cost is another $8K! This implies I am better off just not getting the vehicle repaired.
Have other owners experienced the same issues? i.e. I should walk away from the car after just over 5 years?? I was hoping that the traverse would go on for another couple of years at least.#
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Response from Gregg C

8:08 pm April 30, 2016

To be honest we have had ours for about 3 or 4 months and its been great plus I really did some research on this before we bought it but it sounds like too much is gone wrong at the same time to be just a coincidence . Ours is a 2012 and had 34404 when we bought it . I know it was 34000 not sure about the 404 but anyway everything that I have read about them never mentioned and such problems and the ones that did have problems were with the information center or the screen in the front dash or some stearing tilt inside . So I think I would try and take it somewhere else to make sure . Just saying . Hope this helps.


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