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Winter range

Ask the People Who Own One:

2011 - 2015 Chevrolet Volt
A member in Ontario, Canada

During cold winter months (ie < 20 deg F), if you warm the Volt up while plugged in, and then drive less than 20 miles, will the ice have to run to heat the battery pack and/or cabin? How about if you don't warm it up while plugged in? I'd like to be able to do my 10 mile commute gas-free year-round, but we have cold winters here, so I'm wondering if gas-free is possible with the Volt during winter.

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Response from NormT

11:45 am December 5, 2018

From a friend who drive a Volt in the Great Lakes area.

"If you run the heat and it's too cold outside it'll run the engine. There is a software hack for it. Volt FB page has posted about it.

I put mine in Hold mode to run on gas for a 4-5 mile uphill stretch to get heat and extend battery range."


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