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2011 - 2014 Chrysler 300

I am looking into buying a 2011-2013 chrysler 300 v6 just would like to know feed back on long term reliabilty or problems I could run into. Also if the seating is comfortable for long drives. Also would you buy the vehicle again if you could do it over.


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Response from Member7

4:27 pm July 11, 2016

The 3.6 V6 is an excellant engine. Our 300 gets 25-27 on the highway and 22-24 around town. It is not broke in at 4000 miles and will expect to get higher mileage as the engine becomes freer. I would recommend a 2013 model as it has the * speed transmission. This transmission makes the V6 come alive, the old Mercededs sourced 5 speed is alright but not world class like the 8 speed. Depending on the trim level the seats can be soft to firm just like the ride. We have the S model and the seats are comfortable for long drives.


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Response from Here-I-am

4:37 pm July 11, 2016

The poewrtrain is excellent (I have the eight speed, avoid the five speed with the V6). The seats are generally good - I would prefer more lower cushioning due to an old injury and honestly the Chevy Cruze has softer cushions, but they are still OK. We get around 31-33 highway (town varies).

Long term reliability, ... rattles seem common. Seems like bits and pieces of the UConnect system may fail, nothing you can't live without. Chrysler Service Contracts can be your friend, you can get a bumper to bumper extended warranty that's good at every dealer. The terms are surprisingly friendly on some of them IF you can get them from a dealer who doesn't mark it up too much.


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