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2005 - 2007 Chrysler 300

have an \'05 Chrysler 300c 5.7 it has 140661 km (auto w/speed stick) One day. while i was coming home, the car seemed to lose the transmission. I got it towed home and started troubleshooting. There are no codes, the engine starts and runs but there is nothing from the transmission in any gear. Actually, even while it\'s in park, it seems to be in neutral. . I did notice that as I moved it through the gears, that the engine surges. Once I saw that, I noticed that when in reverse, the speedometer reads approx 5MPH and when in drive it reads about 10-12 MPH. Any thoughts? I\'m pretty confused .I jack up the back end to check the drive shaft check the wire connection near the computer module on the transmission all was good turn the wheel to see if the crank shaft was OK put the car back on the grand tarted the car all was working this has happen to me twos now ???? also wen this happens moving the shifter from drive to revers there is some sort of noise in the shifter before it engages in park

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Response from 300mark

10:00 pm June 28, 2022

140,000 miles isn't great, but depending on your driving style and where you drive it can happen. My wife does a lot of city driving including fast food and bank drive throughs so our last two cars had transmission problems with less miles than your.


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