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Thinking of getting a used 2016 or 2017 C-Max Energy--Thoughts?

Ask the People Who Own One:

2013 - 2020 Ford C-MAX

Hello, My 2014 CR-V got totaled and I'm currently looking for a replacement that I can tow 4-wheels-down behind my motorhome. I've gotten interested in either a 2016-2017 Ford C-Max Energy which is an electirc + hybrid combination. I'm concerned about the number of issues I've found on a few forums for that vehicle and I would very much appreciate any feedback from current 2016 or 2017 owners as to their satisfaction with the vehicle and how many issues (and what kind) they have experienced.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

R. Fleming

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Response from LectroFuel

7:28 pm May 23, 2019

Are there any reasons why you wouldn't go with a Prius, Volt, or Ioniq? Also, getting only a couple opinions on reliability isn't really helpful as there are thousands of these on the road. Ford has stopped making the C-Max, so that may hurt resale value.


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Response from rjf4196

3:26 pm May 24, 2019

Thanks for your reply. The number of vehicles that you can tow behind a motorhome with 4 wheels down is quite limited. Although the vehicles you listed are good choices, none can be towed without a dolly. There are more options if I were to get a manual transmission, which I can drive, but don't care to at this point in my life.

Yes, you are right that if I only get a few replies (which at this point seems to be the case) my question isn't valid. Consumer Reports rates the reliability of the 2017 C-MAX at 5 out of 5. JD Powers gives it. 2.5 because they have different algorithms for calculating the score.

Thanks again!


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Response from LectroFuel

1:52 pm May 26, 2019

According to motorhome.com, the C-Max special procedure for being towed is "Start the engine and allow it to run for 1 minute at the beginning of each day and every 6 hours thereafter."

But looking at forums, the car freaks out when being towed. Similar to when my old Prius would go through a car wash. When I would switch to neutral, it would warn me halfway through the car wash that the battery is discharging too much. The battery can't be charged when in neutral in the Prius. I don't know if the C-Max does the same. The Prius and C-Max have a similar powertrain design.


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