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Ford Edge Sport

Ask the People Who Own One:

2011 - 2024 Ford Edge

I am 6"3". Is there enought leg room for me in this car? Also, does anyone have any experience witht the Sport model. If yes, how does it handle...fun to drive? or more like a sedan?

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Response from johnj

11:28 pm October 3, 2016

Overall the Edge is quite roomy. To see if it suits your frame I would suggest a test drive. I will note that mine has adjustable pedals and electric seats that permit fine adjustment of the cockpit. So I would be surprised if you found it wasn't roomy enough.

i have the 2016 sport model and the handling is truly superb. I'm amazed at how stable it is even at high speeds on curves for an SUV. Very little body roll and tight. The 2.7 turbo ecoboost is spirited with plenty of power. Ford managed to pull off melding a practical SUV with a sporty car. Very fun to drive. At the same time it is very quiet and comfortable- you can feel the road without the hard bumps common with many "sport" suspensions. I have been very impressed with the Sport's engineering.


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