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2003 GMC Yukon Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by ***michaeljknibbs

A member in California, United States


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Reviewed: 2003 GMC Yukon

4dr SUV, ext. 285-horsepower 5.3L V8 4-speed automatic 4WD w/low range

Why the 2003 GMC Yukon?

Exterior styling

Understated. No stupid front end treatment like Dodge and Ford. Its an SUV not a Freightliner

Powertrain performance

300 HP 300 lb torque It hauls. No fuss or drama

Ride smoothness

Long wheel base soaks up poor roads. Firm but still complient ride.


Egine and transmission average. Road and wind noise very good - for truck this big

Why Not the 2003 GMC Yukon?

Fuel economy

It does 13.8 - always has from new. GM lies about 17 - not possible. You can dive this with a lead-foot or as gently as you like. Empty or loaded. Makes no odds - 13.8 mpg !!

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