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accord hybrid real MPG?

Ask the People Who Own One:

2013 - 2017 Honda Accord
A member in Kansas, United States

What are people getting on long highway runs over 100 miles, and average MPG also?
What repairs have you done other than basic maintance?

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Response from NormT

8:14 am May 27, 2018

From fuelly.com where owners post their fuel consumption. The Accord Hybrid is good for high 30's on the highway or about you can see with a turbocharged CUV with AWD.


There wasn't a 2016 Accord Hybrid offered as manufacturers have to burden extra expensive to offer dual mode propulsion and why when battery tech improves we'll all be riding around in expensive electric golf carts.


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Response from LectroFuel

1:30 pm May 27, 2018

Response from NormT

2:00 pm May 27, 2018

The OP asked for 100 miles highway. Hybrid are not as good on the highway as they are in rhe city driving due to regenerative operating characreristics. Therefore highway fuek economy js usually lower rhan city driving


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Response from Jypson

1:39 pm June 4, 2019

41mpg highway driving (very consistent) Between 50-60mpg around town. Heat and humidity actually add a lot of play in those numbers as well surprisingly.


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