2014 Honda CR-Z Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: 2014 CR-Z is great choice for fun and fuel economy. by Byronhanchett
Exterior styling
The exterior styling is great, I get lots of positive comments.
Interior styling
The interior styling is good overal but some details could be improved.
Color choices
I liked almost all the color choices, the Milano red was my favorite.
Powertrain performance
The powertrain is very well designed. The integrated motor assist adds a lot of low end torque and the engine revs freely with almost no vibration. The manual transmission shifts smoothly and the 6 speeds are spaced well.
Fuel economy
I have averaged about 40 MPG for the 3500 miles I have driven. I feel this is very good since most of my driving has lots of hills, stops, turns, and the speed limit on our interstate highways is 70 MPH.
Ride smoothness
The ride is not punishing but could be smoother.
The noise is not unusual for this price range but could be quieter.
Front seat support & comfort
The front seats are very comfortable and supportive.
Driving position & visibility
There is a lot of adjustment available for seat and steering wheel positions. I had no trouble finding a good driving position with good front visibility.
Interior storage compartments
There are lots of storage compartments. One compartment is cooled by the A/C.
Cargo capacity
The cargo capacity is adequate for most needs.
Controls and instruments
The controls and instruments are very futuristic in style but work well and give a lot of information.
The CR-Z is a great little car for anyone looking fora reliable, fun to drive, and economical 2 seater. It is very good looking andhas very good quality for its price range
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