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2017 Honda Odyssey Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Relatively quiet and pleasant drive by nle.misc



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* The car is quiet with only some wind buffeting noise at around 50km/h. At first it was a bit annoying but I got used to it and don't really notice that anymore.
* Mileage is good for high way, not good in town. 10L/100km at 120km/h and around 15L/100km in town for me.
* It's easy to install extra video inputs. I use Naviks. After that, you can install Android box, front camera, "cabin watch" easily if you want.
* I needed 3 nice seats in the middle row for the 3 kids so Toyota didn't work out well with a lousy middle seat.
* Third row seats are comfortable.
* Leather seats are only for the two front and the two outside middle row. The rest is vinil. I hope the won't fade to different color over time.
* Visibility very good
* Engine does not get very dirty after rain (unlike my CRV)
* Headlights are good. You can get a LED to improve it because it's a projector light.
* Engine powerful enough. I want to keep mine for a long time so I don't go crazy. Driving fast is ok, just don't accelerate fast.
* Instaled VCMuzzle so that it's on V6 all the time. No change in fuel usage, much better power delivery and response. Probably will save the engine mount and the spark plugs in the future too.

Reviewed: 2017 Honda Odyssey

4dr Minivan, ext. 248-horsepower 3.5L V6 w/DoD 6-speed automatic FWD

2017 Honda Odyssey Love Letter

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