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Honda 2021 Pilot Reliable?

Ask the People Who Own One:

2019 - 2024 Honda Pilot

Considering 2021 Pilot new. Is it reliable. I like the bigger interior. Many opinions differ in on line expert sites? I keep up with all maintenance on schedule. My old 2004 Lexus has been bulletproof for 200,000 miles.

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Response from LectroFuel

5:49 pm August 8, 2021

The Pilot has been pretty reliable. I wouldn't worry about it's reliability. If you want the reliability of your Lexus, go with a Toyota Highlander, either hybrid or V6.


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Response from kydsid

8:42 pm November 20, 2021

We've had our 21 Pilot for right at a year and nearly 20 thousand miles. Infotainment with Carplay and AA has had glitches, like all vehicles to be fair. Wireless phone charger is touchy. Lane departure is overly sensitive and makes us keep it off. Auto cruise works great. Wonder about the longevity of the ZF trans and Honda dream motor but iiwis. All else equal not much with more reliability in the class or segment, save the yotas with a bit more perhaps. But bigger than the comparable yotas, well at least a year ago, there's a bigger highlander now to compete with the size of a pilot I think. If you can get one. Tough market.


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Response from daaznwangstr

3:55 pm January 27, 2022

I own 2020 pilot. the reliability is okay-ish to above average considering current cars on the market. I have experienced the infotainment glitches and sensitive lane departure warnings. Also, the battery harness has broke due to the security unit located at both the positive and negative terminals. The dealer has repaired all issues under warranty. We experienced a broken clockspring, which the dealer has replaced under warranty. The recent Pilots has more electronics than previous versions, which contribute to thei increase probability for issues. TBH, I don't know if I would purchase another 2020 Honda Pilot.


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