Hyundai Veloster vs. Chevrolet Volt Lemon Odds and Nada Odds
Other sources of Hyundai Veloster and Chevrolet Volt reliability data provide only averages, which can conceal as much as they reveal. So we also report the percentage of Hyundai Velosters and Chevrolet Volts with no repairs at all in the past year and the percentage of Hyundai Velosters and Chevrolet Volts that are lemons (required three or more repair trips in the past year). These figures might surprise you.
These stats are promptly updated four times a year, to closely track Hyundai Veloster and Chevrolet Volt lemon odds as the cars age. Others can be over a year behind. Only TrueDelta tells you how reliable the Hyundai Veloster and Chevrolet Volt have been recently.
To see how frequently Hyundai Veloster and Chevrolet Volt problems occur, check out our car reliability stats.
What Our Members Are Saying about the Brand Reputation of the Hyundai Veloster
None of our members have yet commented on the brand reputation of the Hyundai Veloster.