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2008 Infiniti G Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by jonmanch



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Reviewed: 2008 Infiniti G

4dr Sedan 306-horsepower 3.5L V6 5-speed shiftable automatic AWD

Why the 2008 Infiniti G?


It handles like a sports car and has great pick up and braking.

Powertrain performance

Smooth shifting and can go to manual automatic if you want.

Exterior styling

It is a great looking car

Reliability & durability

I have now owned 4 Infinitis. THey are well made

Audio & nav systems

Great sound system and I love the voice recognition for the navigation system and audio although not as good as the older voice recognition oon the 2006 M35X

Why Not the 2008 Infiniti G?

Cargo capacity

Trunk is small, and you cannot fold downall or part of the rear seat for additional cargo space. The 6 CD changer gets in the way and is not necessary with a 10 gig hard drive "Musicbox".

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