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2002 Infiniti I Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by pisacham



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Reviewed: 2002 Infiniti I

4dr Sedan 255-horsepower 3.5L V6 4-speed automatic FWD

Why the 2002 Infiniti I?

Materials & workmanship

Leather finish is great. quality speakers The over all look is great. Not a noticeable car even while speeding (looks just graceful)

Reliability & durability

Mechanically the car appears real tough and durable. No sounds yet

Price or payments

Buy it used. Let someone take the depreciation. Awesome value for the money. 4 heated seats, heated steering are hard to find in recent cars without spending lots of money

Front seat support & comfort

lumbar support, ideal for long rides

Ride smoothness

Smooth ride. The touring edition is rough

Why Not the 2002 Infiniti I?


Only when trying to make a U turn! No normal city road seems to be enough. I can live with it for the all the pros

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