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2006 Infiniti M Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Great Ride by sib1948



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Reviewed: 2006 Infiniti M

4dr Sedan 335-horsepower 4.5L V8 5-speed shiftable automatic RWD

Why the 2006 Infiniti M?

Past personal experience

Still driving since Oct. 2005. No issues in that time, but replaced battery X2-free from dealer and brake job at reasonable cost through dealer. Always had free loaner car to use while in the shop.

Fuel economy

78,000 miles primarily city driving and rarely use AC-16.9 mpg. 4.5 L V8 great power train with RWD-great fun to drive.


Stock tires a little expensive, but lasted > 40,000 miles and gave great performance.

Audio & nav systems

Great system with voice command and still working flawlessly today. The new 2013 Infinitis continue to use the same systems.

Front seat room

Most front leg room compared to similar vehicles at the time. Even rear leg room fair. First car I owned with rear view camera still working well with great color and resolution.

Why Not the 2006 Infiniti M?

Past personal experience

Nothing. Most trouble free car I have ever owned, which is why I'm still driving it. I have owned over 25 vehicles over the years.


Quality sedan with great dealership support. Best car I have own, which is why I still drive it today. Enjoying my 2013 Land Rover LR2, which I hope can be as reliable.

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