TSB Date | Problem Area | TSB Text |
09/01/16 | NHTSA ID: 10079125 TSB ID: SSM-66717 Issue: a customer may report a knock or creak from the rear of the vehicle when going over bumps or maneuvering at slow speed. cause: absence of an isolator sleeve fitted to the rear coil spring. |
03/29/17 | Transmission and Drivetrain | NHTSA ID: 10096642 TSB ID: JTB00417NAS1 Situation: an oil leak may be evident from underneath the vehicle or discovered during routine service. cause: the cause may be unknown. |
09/01/16 | Electrical and Air Conditioning | NHTSA ID: 10079084 TSB ID: SSM-58597 Issue: a customer may report that a spare wheel low tyre pressure warning is displayed in the instrument pack message centre, when no full size spare wheel is present. cause: there is a scenario where an incorrect spare wheel id may |
09/01/16 | Electrical and Air Conditioning | NHTSA ID: 10079100 TSB ID: SSM-65737 Concern when attempting to set the date format within the touch screen, a customer may not be able to select and retain the mm/dd/yyyy format. cause the software in the instrument cluster may not be at latest level. |
09/01/16 | Electrical and Air Conditioning | NHTSA ID: 10079101 TSB ID: SSM-65797 Concern only when reverse is selected, the main volume control knob / radio power button near the shifter, does not operate. radio and or park distance volume cannot be adjusted from the main volume control knob. also, the radio power |
04/23/18 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10134968 TSB ID: SFCC_08MAR18 Jaguar land rover shop foreman conference call |
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01/29/18 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10127619 TSB ID: SFCC_14DEC17 Presentation from dealer shop foreman conference call |
03/17/17 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10095560 TSB ID: SSM71790 Excessive noise may be heard from the climate control - in-vehicle temperature sensor / aspirator fan in dashboard on 13my onwards cause: the temperature sensor / aspirator fan may be incorrectly positioned against aspirator dashboard gr |
03/15/17 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10095061 TSB ID: JTB00343NAS4 Situation: the face of the compact key handset may peel away from the handset main body or the handset case may be bulging. |
03/10/17 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10094594 TSB ID: JTB00380NAS4 Situation: inadequate air conditioning (a/c) performance may be experienced with the compressor clutch (where applicable) working properly. |
09/16/16 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10080368 TSB ID: SSM-66537 Issue: the lockable rear interior storage box (cubby box) door may open when locking the vehicle doors. cause: there are two separate causes depending on the vin range. vehicles built up to k03276 could have an issue with the storage b |
09/01/16 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10079085 TSB ID: SSM-64797 Issue: water ingress to trunk well cause: requiremnt for diagnostic. |
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09/01/16 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10079120 TSB ID: SSM-66117 Issue: noises/knocking from the chassis/body cause: under investigation |
09/01/16 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10079121 TSB ID: SSM-66297 Issue: reports of difficult and, or poor closure of bonnet / hood. cause: incorrect method of closure used. the bonnet / hood should not be closed by standing at the side of the vehicle. |
09/01/16 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10079122 TSB ID: SSM-66537 Issue: the lockable rear interior storage box (cubby box) door may open when locking the vehicle doors. cause: there are two separate causes depending on the vin range. vehicles built up to k00890 could have an issue with the storage b |
05/13/16 | Other | NHTSA ID: 10064965 TSB ID: SSM-66797 Issue: when convertible hood is in the stowed position contact and or rubbing noticed against the hood cover side flaps. cause: alignment of hood incorrect. |