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2005 Jaguar X-Type Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by mk_jess



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Reviewed: 2005 Jaguar X-Type

4dr Sedan 227-horsepower 3.0L V6 5-speed automatic AWD

Why the 2005 Jaguar X-Type?

Front seat support & comfort

it is very comfortable during short trips or long drives. The seat can be adjusted many ways as well as the wheel. The controls are all in reach and easy to use. The dash is not too high nor to low. The car is very easy to see out of while driving.

Interior styling

There are many pockets for items. The cup holders are in a good spot but a bit small (can fits perfect). Great wood work and crafted leather.

Ride smoothness

It is smooth and sporty... a very hard thing to do! but they did it!

Materials & workmanship

everything in this car is high end. There is a bit more plastic then I like but not an over kill.

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