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2012 Jeep Patriot Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Great combination of space and fuel mileage by FallGuy83

A member in Kentucky, United States


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My wife and I have had our 2012 Jeep Patriot Sport 4x4 for over 2 years now and its about to hit 89,000 miles. I do all of the maintenence and repair to our vehicles and am happy to say we've had no problems with this vehicle. Everything has held up well and I just recently had to replace the brakes (around 72,000 miles). The little Jeep is a blast on the interstate! We drove from Kentucky to Tennessee last year and got around 24 mpg average and the CVT transmission is the most wonderful thing on the mountainous roads to Tennessee. The CVT trans keeps the engine rpms in a much narrower range when it has to shift up or down. I was able to set my cruise at the 70 mph speed limit and roll blissfully along and even past other travelers as their vehicles speed would drop dractically going up the mountains. I really like the size of the Patriot and the fact that it averages over 20 mpg for a boxy shaped vehicle. My wife drives the jeep to Lexington every day in about a 60 mile round trip daily. This has been a very enjoyable vehicle and the 4 wheel drive lets it go great in the snow. I'm very happy with it.

Reviewed: 2012 Jeep Patriot

4dr SUV 172-horsepower 2.4L I4 6-speed shiftable CVT AWD

2012 Jeep Patriot Love Letter

Love it. Kind of a softer version of the old XJ Cherokees. I like my Jeeps square.


I would recomend the Patriot to anyone who needs cargo space, fuel mileage and 4 wheel drive to get you where you're going. No it's not a Wrangler so people shouldn't act like it should be. It is very capable in the snow we get (3-10 inche). By best friend owns and '07 Wrangler and got stuck in my driveway. I had just come up it in the Patriot.

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