2015 - 2017 Jeep Renegade
Are there any Renegade owers (especially those that have a 2015 or 2016 model. Is the car reliable in your opinion? Has it had to be repaired for minor or major things more than you think should be for a new car?
I'm think of buying this 2017 Jeep RenegadeI've seen the carfax, drove it twice, called a few mechanics about these cars the the Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep brnad in general, and gave the car a very close inspection myself.
29k miles Trail Hawk trim, rental car before it went on the local lot. I'm getting very mixed reports of reliability and all that. I've spoken with some friends and general opinion is to stay away from Jeeps and any FCA vehicle.
This vehicle is going to replace my current and wil be my only car - I don't have a daily communte but I drive enough. I will also be taking it up the mountains and light duty off roading. I intend on doing as much of the basic maintaince myself as I can.
I think it is a decent purchase for my needs, however I'm concerned about it being able to last me relavitvely trouble free for the next 5 years.
Owners please chime in.
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