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2011 Jeep Wrangler Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: You think you want one... but.... by SpeedJebus



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Reviewed: 2011 Jeep Wrangler

2dr SUV 202-horsepower 3.8L V6 6-speed manual 4WD, part-time w/low range

Why the 2011 Jeep Wrangler?

Why Not the 2011 Jeep Wrangler?

Fuel economy

- Bad. Knew that getting in to it.

Cargo capacity

That's funny.

Reliability & durability

Needed a new engine at 44000kms. Not good.

Dealer practices

A farce. Selling dealership heard "nothing wrong" on repeated visits, complaining of start-up clatter. Second dealership recommended new engine (under warranty), they attempted to return the vehicle to me as "complete", even though I now had a CEL (that wasn't there before). They broke the cam position sensor, and had to replace that too. Also, mysterious engine-speed-related moaning started. (Sounded almost like power steering). Was going to make report of that at next oil change, traded the car in before hand.

Powertrain performance

Anemic. Even with shorter gears. It is what it is though.

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