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2008 Kia Amanti Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by thirdone42

A member in Virginia, United States


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Reviewed: 2008 Kia Amanti

4dr Sedan 264-horsepower 3.8L V6 5-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why the 2008 Kia Amanti?

Why Not the 2008 Kia Amanti?

Reliability & durability

i bought this car new back in december,2008,and absolutely loved it,to say the least.shortly after this time,maybe 2 weeks,i noticed the ride quality had started to change,and keeps getting worse.also,several issues with interior rattles.

Ride smoothness

again,the ride has really deteriorated.granted,i drive 100 miles a day on bad interstate roads,but this is no excuse.i have owned quite a few cars,last was a 2007 milan that road much smoother over the same roads

Safety & braking

this coming week will be the 2nd time the car has to have brakes checked.once again,i have noticed grooves in the front rotors,which have already been filed,but maybe this time they will replace the pads

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