Kia Soul Kia Soul

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Kia Soul repairs by problem area

Engine (17%)

Transmission and Drivetrain (5%)

Brakes and Traction Control (10%)

Suspension and Steering (11%)

Electrical and Air Conditioning (37%)

Paint, Rust, Leaks, Rattles, and Trim (14%)

Other (7%)

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Chart based on 685 repairs.
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Kia Soul transmission repair cost distribution

$2500+ (0%)

$1000 - $2499 (0%)

$500 - $999 (3%)

$100 - $499 (19%)

< $100 (77%)

Worried about potential repair costs? An extended warranty can provide peace of mind.

Chart based on 31 repair trips. The repair cost chart excludes repairs made under warranty, do-it-yourself repairs, and repair trips that include maintenance.

2020 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

147-horsepower 2.0L I4 8-speed shiftable CVT FWD

23000 mi Transmission failed, without warning, during a road trip 1200 miles from home. It was running fine, then had RPM surges for about 1 minute, then had no power. Kia did pay to have it towed to the nearest dealership and then transported back to the dealership closest to me when it was complete. 

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2014 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

164-horsepower 2.0L I4 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

4500 mi Automatic shifting from second to third gear yields a loss in power and hesitation. 

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2014 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

130-horsepower 1.6L I4 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

1000 mi The shifting lever would not move. They replaced the shifter knob. It works OK now. 

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2013 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

164-horsepower 2.0L I4 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

52000 mi Sensor in my transmission was out 

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2012 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

164-horsepower 2.0L I4 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

94000 mi

US $250
Had to reset the "adaptive driving" setting as car was shifting hard. 
96100 mi

C $600
Also replaced a leaking PCV valve on the transmission. Handles like new and improved gas milage bonus. An OK repair at 155,000 km. 
78000 mi The transmission was diagnosed defective after a complaint of being hard to shift into gear. Transmission was replaced under warranty. 
78000 mi

US $145
After the transmission replacement reported earlier the transmission was still hard to shift into gear. Further diagnosis led the tech to determine that the problem was the shift cable.(that was what I thought it was all along). Replacing the cable fixed the issue. The only cost was for the part as they said the car had been tied up enough. 
8000 mi Car would hesitate when you give it gas at a light, or turning also engine light came on. 1st time I took it in they couldn't find anything wrong. 2nd time the found a odd code in computer. It's still hesitates but not as bad 

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2012 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

138-horsepower 1.6L I4 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

24000 mi transmission leaking, TSB transmission replaced Dealer overfilled transmission causing it to leak again and causing the gas mileage to be less efficient and car slower. 

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2012 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

138-horsepower 1.6L I4 6-speed manual FWD

3500 mi total fiasco. took 3 mo car back to selling dealer for what i suspect is bad throwout bearing. ride with tech who agrees. 2nd visit leave car for diagnosis/drop clutch.SA call thenew clutch parts coming. then they say cars fine, no repair 

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2011 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

142-horsepower 2.0L I4 4-speed automatic FWD

77602 mi Dealer replaced hose clamps that were weak, cleaned up the leaked A/T fluid - hopefully, that would stop the leaking. Done at no charge, given the earlier service. One more try - replaced all Transmission/Radiator hoses. Still didn't do it - new radiator would be over $600, and the leak is VERY slow - so not sure it's worth it - still an open issue. 
70006 mi

US $381
Transmission fluid leak was noticed at an earlier regular oil change. Appeared to be from the lines cooling the automatic transmission fluid. No known damage to the car that would have caused it, unless from the "extra undercoating" applied by the previous dealer under a service campaign. We thought that the steps taken - sealing of transmission pan, and replacement of A/T hoses would fix. I initially thought all OK, until I parked in the garage and noticed that the leaking was continuing. We came to a compromise - not sure exactly where the leak was coming from, they resealed the transmission pan under the vehicle warranty, and I paid for the replacement of the transmission lines. Probably too much. But we'd see if it worked. 
77602 mi Dealer replaced Automatic Transmission hoses at no charge, given earlier work. Now we see if it's still leaking. Brought the car back a couple of weeks later, and yes, it sill was. 
77500 mi

US $100
Installed another part (I'm blanking) - and no, it still didn't fix things. Next step would require new radiator - concerned that somehow, the connection into the radiator is damaged. No sense of why/how, but it is still leaking slowly. A/T fluid levels remaining within normal limits a month later, so going to hold tight. Not sure I want to spend the quoted $600 on it! 
7000 mi TSB-033 was needed for hesitation from excessive transmission loading the motor at low speeds. 
8000 mi Rear axle was bent during shipment from Korea. Part was ordered and replaced. 

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2010 Kia Soul

Engine not specified

2480 mi Manual Transmission locked, unmovable. "Shift plate ?" required tightening. 
47200 mi Car was making a Clunking Sound when shifting gears. Reflashed computer. Clunk came back a month later. 

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2010 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

142-horsepower 2.0L I4 5-speed manual FWD

4800 mi Shifter replaced under warranty. For side skirts issue. hanging shifting down into 1st 
13000 mi Manual transmission shift skirt ordered, to be replaced per TSB on next visit. 
900 mi Replacement of lower shift boot to improve shifting into first, second, and reverse. Covered under warranty and was a TSB 
10840 mi trouble shifting into 3rd gear (manual) 

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2010 Kia Soul 4dr Hatch

142-horsepower 2.0L I4 4-speed automatic FWD

33000 mi Transmission skipping/lurching going up hills. Transmission replaced by dealership 
4000 mi rough up shift between 2nd and 3rd gears in auto tranny. Not often, maybe 5 times since bought. 
79000 mi

US $253
AT tugging; noticed leak; added 1.5 qts. ATF myself: "MISC REPLACE LEAKING TRANSMISSION COOLER LINES LABOR 13 CPK 1.50: $180 45264-23650 TUBE ASSY-FEED: $60 UM010-CH002 SPIII ATF: $8.50 CUSTOMER PAY SHOP CHARGE FOR REPAIR ORDER: $4.23" 
3720 mi The transmission,when put into drive(and only drive),will not respond,then BANG,into gear it goes. It doesn't do this all the time,which is making it hard to figure out. 
5580 mi The dealer has replaced the transmission,and it seems to be fine,right now. 
47740 mi The left and right axles had to be replaced due to rips in cv joint boots. 
15000 mi

US $185
Hard 1-2 upshift in "could not replicate", but did it for us on the way home! They also informed me the I must do a 15,000 mile injection cleaning service to keep warranty. 
3000 mi Transmission disengaged at 70 mph and coasted to the side of the road. Car started fine, shifter moved fine between all gears but transmission would not engage. After starting and turning off the car a dozen times the transmission engaged. Drove home. 

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Kia Soul Transmission Problems

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