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2008 Lexus ES Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by dennisnqh

A member in California, United States


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Reviewed: 2008 Lexus ES

4dr Sedan 272-horsepower 3.5L V6 6-speed shiftable automatic FWD

Why the 2008 Lexus ES?

Exterior styling

New model year for the ES line. Modern and fresh styling. Nice front end and back end.

Materials & workmanship

Solid material and workmanship compared to other mid-sized sedans.

Brand reputation & image

The ES is luxurious, classy, yet not too overtly ostentatious.

Reliability & durability

ES model has been noted for their reliability and durability. Consumer Reports surveys consitently rate this model high in reliability.

Past personal experience

Currently own another ES 300, model year 1997. Approaching 125K miles on this car without any major mechanical or electrical problems thus far. Still runs almost as good as new.

Why Not the 2008 Lexus ES?

Fuel economy

With the high price of gasoline, any six-cylinder vehicle can be considered more than necessary for a daily commute. Still, averages of 22.5 MPG are not too bad.

Price or payments

For the price of the ES, which I paid under invoice, I could have nearly paid for two 4-cylinder Camrys.

Cargo capacity

It is not made for towing.

Discounts & incentives

Lexuses are hardly ever discounted. But I did get a good price since there were a lot of competition, and the dealers are eager to deal with the downturn of the economy.

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