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2002 Lexus GS Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by focusconstruction



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Reviewed: 2002 Lexus GS

4dr Sedan 220-horsepower 3.0L I6 5-speed shiftable automatic RWD

Why the 2002 Lexus GS?

Ride smoothness

The acceleration, while not amazing, is very smooth and the suspension is also very smooth.

Safety & braking

Brakes very fast and without vibration.


Very quiet engine - well insulated.

Reliability & durability

Extremely well made car - reliable and durable. My seats are still in very good shape (2002).

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Response from Neil

4:51 pm June 28, 2018

My 2003 GS has just started showing signs of age. stone chips, are expected, the leather seats are still great, the stereo is stunning.
The car has been starting with joint problems, top ball joint (clonk), bushes on the lower control arm (visible perishing, though not yet loose) This has meant excessive tyre wear.

The biggest nuisance is the piping on the driver's seat, it is cracking and opening up, which nips my arm in Summer when wearing t-shirts. Next biggest, the torsion springs that should lift the boot (trunk) are going weak, so the boot lid falls on your head when it's windy.

An oxygen sensor failed in January, the only problem with that is that all you know is a red engine light and you have to take it to Lexus for diagnosis and the ?300 bill (inc. tax).


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