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2005 Lexus GX Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by RCTodd620



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Reviewed: 2005 Lexus GX

4dr SUV 270-horsepower 4.7L V8 5-speed automatic AWD w/low range

Why the 2005 Lexus GX?

Cargo capacity

I could fit two road bicycles in the cargo area, upright. That is with the front wheel removed and front fork clamped into a locking vise.

Why Not the 2005 Lexus GX?

Reliability & durability

I had a contract on a used GX, but it had a funny sound in the drive train. This particular Lexus had been serviced by the local Lexus dealer several times, but there no attempt to fix the drive train noise. Their response was it is out of warranty.

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