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Brake Bark

Ask the People Who Own One:

2016 - 2024 Lexus RX

Issue #1- Everytime I touch the brake pedal, I hear a quick 'Brake Bark'.....what could be causing this and has anyone experienced this on their Lexus? I seem to have heard of this problem but for the life of me, cannot remember where I heard of it.
Issue #2 - I would like to have my brake callipers painted Red, to kinda match the interior red leather...Has anyone ever done this? Approx cost? Or maybe order those 'Calliper Covers' that appear to 'snap' on....but I hear that may interfere with brake cooling....Thoughts?

FYI, 2018 Lexus RX450h F-Sport
Thank you for any and all responses!
Very Respectfully,

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Response from LectroFuel

1:57 am December 28, 2018

On my '05 Prius there is a quick electric noise, but not a "bark" when I step on the brake. My '16 Prius doesn't have any noise. I'm pretty sure that if you are not tracking the car (I don't recommend it), you shouldn't worry about brake cooling. The covers can reduce brake dust. I don't think regenerative brakes heat up like friction brakes do. Your Lexus has both types of brakes. You probably won't have to change the brake pads until 200k miles like me.


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