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CX-5 electronics peoblems

Ask the People Who Own One:

2017 - 2025 Mazda CX-5

I read that Mazda CX-5's 2013 thru 2016 have had in-car electronics problems that are worse than average. I have a new 2017 Grand Touring AWD. Can anyone tell me if they have had any problems with the electronics on '13 thru '17 models?

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Response from Member5117

10:18 pm August 3, 2017

2016.5 GT. Zero electrical problems or electronics problems. There was a recall involving airbag software though.


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Response from Member4890

10:58 pm August 3, 2017

Response from ramblin.mo

11:20 pm August 3, 2017

Response from Member5596

12:28 am August 4, 2017

2013 purchased in May of 2012. 90,000km and not a single problem, electrical or otherwise.


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Response from agog

3:20 am August 4, 2017

Response from dpmeersman

5:39 am August 4, 2017

Response from Rodney

8:15 am August 4, 2017

I have a 2016 Grand Touring. The only such issues I have had are with the entertainment/navigation system. The CD player has occasionally refused to play or eject a CD, and the only way to "reset" it is to turn off the engine and turn it back on, like rebooting a computer. Also, the navigation system once wouldn't start. Just sat there with the wheel spinning on the screen. Again, restarting the engine fixed that problem. Finally, the "passenger airbag off" light occasionally starts blinking and dinging if I have something on the passenger seat. When I remove the object, the blinking stops, and I can put the object back.


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Response from Member5791

1:59 pm August 4, 2017

My 2014 Touring model just topped 60,000 with no problems whatsoever, electrical or otherwise.


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Response from Member5992

3:24 pm August 4, 2017

I have a 2016.5 mazda cx-5 and have had absolutely no issues with the infotainment or anything else with 26000 miles so far.


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Response from rnrouss99

6:16 pm August 4, 2017

Our 2014 CX-5 GT had absolutly no problems during our 3 years and 50K miles with us, electrical or otherwise. Oil, filters and tires were our only visits to the shop.


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