My wife uses our CX-5 as her daily commuter vehicle. She only puts on 25-30 miles a day in mostly stop and go situations. It is comfortable, reasonably responsive and economical returning 24-26 MPG under this type of driving. Once a year we put the seats down and take off for 2 to 3 weeks on vacation putting it through all types of situations. Last year drove from Massachusetts to N. Carolina & Tennessee and back home, 3,400 altogether. Averaged 29 MPG's on that trip, AWD put to use climbing a rutted dirt road to 4,000 ft elevation. It never missed a beat. That wetted our appetite for this year's trip, a 7,000 mile round trip from Massachusetts to Arizona. Would I rather be doing it in a Q5? Sure, but then I wouldn't have the money for our vacations! My sole complaint about the vehicle is how it sounds when cold started. The first couple of minutes the engine sounds like it's going to start spitting out parts but runs very smooth once brought up to temp.