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Cheap ass paint

Ask the People Who Own One:

2013 - 2015 Mazda MX-5 Miata
A member in New York, United States

Has any one had the cheap ass paint fixed by Mazda and what did you do to prevent chipping in the future ; if you look wrong at the car it chips.

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Response from Member3236

3:09 pm October 24, 2016

I've not seen anyone complain about paint issues in new NC models from 2007 through 2015. There are minor and rare major issues of concern but paint isn't one of them. I suggest you post on Miata.net which has been in existence since 1989, when I joined. I had a new 1990 Miata I drove for 18 years and even to the end of its life, paint was never an issue. Same now with new NC 2013 which is well.


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Response from Member3349

2:59 pm November 8, 2016

I agree with Member3236 that paint isn't an issue and that you might get a good response on Miata.net in the NC section.

With that said, I have a few rock chips that have gone down to bare metal. I also have a scratch on my PRHT that seemed to appear just by looking at it funny. The paint is just really soft. The solution seems to be either a) stop driving behind gravel trucks, b) don't follow closely behind dump trucks and pickup trucks, c) get the car's paint corrected at an auto detailer and then a clear bra added, or d) don't worry about it and if your car is a showpiece then you just have to be prepared not to drive it.

Good luck, and see you on Miata.net!



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Response from MacGyver

1:57 pm December 30, 2016

The instant I bought my Mazda 3 hatch (white pearl) I had the entire hood, not just half or 3/4, covered in clear protective film or clear bra as it's sometimes called. This was six years ago and still looking great! They also did the bottom lip area, the front fenders, headlights, mirrors, skirts, door handle areas and top of rear bumper. It was expensive enough but way cheaper than repainting. I wish I had done the windshield pillars and roof in front of sunroof.


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Response from capricorn169ka

3:15 am February 19, 2017

Anyone out there think Hyundai has cheap paint. After years of Nissan's and Hondas I have a top of the line Santa Fe Ultimate in Monaco white. I think the paint is thin.scratches easily and overall after one year is just looking gross. I keep it waxed regularly with a spray detailing wax and it looks shiny and nice. But the few chips show the paint is so think in comparison to my Nissan Murano. The paint on it was bullet proof. Say least it seemed to be. I loved my Murano but it spent to much time bring in the shop at Nissan. I really got screwed over on that car. But I loved it when it was working right.
My 2016 Santa Fe feels okay just the materials are kind of cheaper quality than I am used to. I do like all the features and I can't complain , I have the Ultimate package. I did spend extra for dash cover ,console cover, laser floor liners , door covers to protect them from the dogs. Cargo liner alone was four hundred. The Seats look dirty though . I have covered the beige seats and I vacuum regularly. It does beige leather is just impossible to clean. Any ideas out there? They are heated and cooled seats.


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