A great ride with great styling and reliability. Unequivically recommended.
A great ride with great styling and reliability. Unequivically recommended.
I like the exterior styling a lot. not a fan of the 18inch wheel design. the new wheels on the 2013 look much better. the hood 2009 has a clean look, especially with the windshield washers recessed below the hood. after owning three bmws and a minicooper, i am very satisfied with the exterior styling.
Interior styling is good. the steering wheel is good, with minimial on wheel controls, which is nice. the front seats are nice, the trim is good.
the power train is what it is all about. after 77,000 miles, it has been flawless and fun. the 1st to 2nd shift is a little grinding in cold weather if you rush it.
fuel economy sucks if you push it, big surprise. you can do high 20s if you are cruising at 65
reliabiilty is excellent so far. both rear shocks leaked after about 65,000 miles. one oxygen sensor replacemnent. that is it so far. made in hiroshima says it all i guess
audio is okay, if not subpar due to a combination of a weak system and loud car. lots of road noise gets through the car (and through my non speed mazda 3).