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Bad Sensor

Ask the People Who Own One:

2009 - 2010 Mazda Mazda6

Must have a bad sensor....dash lights for DSC off, traction control and emergency brake come on sometimes. Brake light comes on first and then DSC off and traction control (skidding car light) comes on about 2 - 3 sewconds later. Can anybody help determine what sensor is bAD?

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Response from mkaresh

1:46 pm April 9, 2016

I had a similar situation occur in my 2008 G35X. A check of the easy stuff showed that the brake fluid was low. Once fluid was added and the car restarted, all symptons went away. The reason for the low fluid was very low front brake pads which I replaced the following week.


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Response from mkaresh

2:50 pm April 9, 2016

I just happened to change my brake pads this morning and the lights went out! The thing that really bugs me is that Ray Skillman Mazda in Indianapolis told me it would cost $118 to find out what the problem is. The thieves knew all along what the problem was. Anyway, thank you very much for you help


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Response from mkaresh

8:16 pm April 9, 2016

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