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2010 Mercedes-Benz C-Class Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by nanabafi



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Reviewed: 2010 Mercedes-Benz C-Class

4dr Sedan 228-horsepower 3.0L V6 6-speed manual RWD

Why the 2010 Mercedes-Benz C-Class?

Brand reputation & image

Quality engineering particular prior to the merge with Chrysler and since the dissolution of this partnership.

Exterior styling

The sports model is progressive yet traditional and much more attractive than similar cars in that class including the Lexus IS250s-350s, Audi A4, etc.

Safety & braking

Very responsive braking and excellent crash test results. Driving the vehicle feels solid and stable.

Reliability & durability

Durability was second to none in the 70s and I am convinced that the new c class is a return to form. I followed the repair history of the 2008 and 2009 models and was pleased with both reliability and durability.

Powertrain performance

With the standard transmission and rear wheel drive, vehicle is responsive and dignified at the same time.

This review was originally a two-car comparison review. Read the other half here.

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