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2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Pros and Cons at TrueDelta: Owner Pros and Cons by SanoSurfer

A member in California, United States


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Reviewed: 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

4dr Sedan 268-horsepower 3.5L V6 7-speed shiftable automatic RWD

Why the 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class?

Exterior styling

The e-class has classy timeless lines that will remain modern looking long after body style changes are made to later models.

Brand reputation & image

It is a Mercedes, enough said.

Reliability & durability

They are not known for being inexpensive to maintain. While the scheduled maintenance trips are not cheap, so far I have had virtually no problems with the car. trips that are not but they are known for having


As you would expect of a German car, it has wonderfully tight handling characteristics. An absolute pleasure to drive.

Why Not the 2007 Mercedes-Benz E-Class?

Powertrain performance

The steering wheel DOES NOT come back on center after a slow turn. You have to physically turn the wheel back. Something you have to get used to.

Controls and instruments

You should be able to overide the dual-zone climate control. It is a pain to adjust two knobs to set the temperature.

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